Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Martial Arts Learning Tool: 3 Rules Of Concentration

Martial Arts Learning Tool : Focus Kids Attention w/ 3 Rules of Concentration
Another learning tool that we've applied in judo is the "3 Rules of Concentration." We apply this valuable tool from the very first day a child takes private intro classes and re-inforce it throughout the curriculum consistently. The "3 Rules of Concentration" consist of 1) focusing your eyes, 2) focusing your mind, and 3) focusing your body. This proves to be another great Pattern Interupt technique that returns a child's attention to focus. When a child begins to become distracted, we immediately ask the child to give us a particular rule of concentration. This calls to his attention the fact that he is not focused. This teaching tool has become an indespensable part of our curriculum and can be re-inforced in the home. Through these rules of concentration, kids learn to not only show respect to others, but to themselves.

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Martial Arts Learning Tool: The 100x Theory

What is the 100x Theory? It's a theory that simply states to a student that to be good at any particular new skill, that skill needs to be practiced a minimum of 100 times. After practicing it at least 100 times, a student will build the confidence and muscle memory that's required for this particular skill to become reaction. This is a valuable rule for kids because it applies to anything they do in life whether it's a martial arts technique, sport skill, studying, or any positive habit that needs to be re-inforced. After all, repetition is the mother of all habit!

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JuJitsu JiuJitsu sport adults selfdefense recreation sports selfesteem olympics

One Lesson In Judo...

I didn't believe it when someone told me that martial arts could teach me to be a better person, but it showed me more to life than fighting. I guess that's why I wouldn't blame anyone for wondering the same thing. I can't since I was just as skeptical. But an amazing thing happened. I decided to give it a try just to satisfy my curiosity and here I am 25 years later still having fun! So what did my first lesson lead to? Well let's take a look at it and break it down into the following: my first lesson led me to 1) try another lesson and to continue trying another lesson until it put me into a pattern 2) this pattern gave me consistency 3) this consistency gave me a roadmap that I apply in all aspects of my life 4) this road map gave me the key to fitness, discipline, compassion, patience, resilience, and confidence in life. Believe me when I say that if I can do it, I truly believe anyone can do it. You see I don't see myself as a person with a unique gift in the world. I see myself just like many people. An everyday person who was given a chance and that lead to many important lessons in life. These lessons are the same lessons that everyone can learn in Judo. Again, more than any other sport, the martial arts is an excellent vehicle in learning life skills and values besides keeping fit and safe. It's important for us to teach the arts as a combination of physical and mental development; key elements to success in life. Dealing with life's challenges, breaking through barriers, and building confidence is a mission that we consistently strive to undertake. CHILDREN learn to focus their energy constructively and to concentrate; TEENS and ADULTS find that martial arts training builds self-confidence while helping to relieve stress and get into shape as they learn effective self-defense. Like one lesson led to other lessons which then led to a pattern of life learning for me, this can be the start for something that will stay with you for the rest of your life. It's exciting to be a part of the journey with everyone!

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Giving Back

It's my strong belief that to be a better person, one must give back to the community. My path to giving back to the community I grew up in is through my passion for teaching kids. It all starts with a solid foundation at an early age. It is at this time that we reach kids and imprint them with positive images, role models, attitudes, and self-esteem. With these characteristics, kids can go out into the world with an adequate tool box of skill sets to meet the challenges of every day life head on.

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Coach on the Mat and In Life

My lovely wife, Monette, and I are both locals of South San Francisco. When we had our first child, I decided to retire from the Marines to make sure I was their every step of the way for my family (now two children). Monette and I then decided to move back to the bay area to be close to our families. As soon as I set foot back here in the Peninsula, I re-united with my Judo family at Cahill's Judo and began my second career in the grappling arts: coach.

What better role model did I have with none other than Willy Cahill? I can't emphasize how much it helped me to grow up under his tutelage and the environment he fostered at the academy. It undeniably gave me an edge both on the competition and in life. It is his influence that has taken me on my mission: to further an individuals potential utilizing Judo for fitness, self-esteem, discipline, and compassion in life. It's been a fulfilling dream and I look forward to being there for others just as Willie Cahill was and is there for me to this day.

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JuJitsu JiuJitsu sport adults selfdefense recreation sports selfesteem olympics

Judo In Life

Judo has been instrumental with my self esteem, physical conditioning, and self-defense. The focus I've put into the "Gentle Art" really kept peer pressure for me to a minimum. Being in an environment of consistency, hard work, and discipline structured my attitude early. Shortly after graduating South San Francisco high school, I attended the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for one year. Afterwards, I decided to join the Marines for the next eight years. While in the Marines, I continued to compete in Judo and Wrestling.

Undoubtedly, my training and discipline at Cahill's Judo Academy assisted me with serving my country by training fellow Marines in self defense tactics for various situations such as crowd control, transporting prisoners, street awareness, anti-terrorism and competition. I can honestly say that it has impacted almost every facet of my life and pushed my to go beyond what others would say are limitations.

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JuJitsu JiuJitsu sport adults selfdefense recreation sports selfesteem olympics

Welcome To American Judo

American Judo is my online notebook of observations that I've taken over my career in amateur grappling. The main goal of this electronic notebook is to assist as many people across all ages and gender the fundamentals physically, emotionally, and spiritually of these arts/sports. It's my strong belief that these martial arts help individuals with self defense, discipline, respect, sportsmanship, focus, fitness, flexibility, coordination, strength, speed, and conditioning. It is my hope that readers, if not already involved in the grappling sports or classes, will be able to take something from this. Welcome to my thoughts and I hope you find something of use for yourself.


Mike Pechina

JuJitsu JiuJitsu sport adults selfdefense recreation sports selfesteem olympics